Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The (winter)Commute

oooh I had a ride home yesterday. The forecasters said it would be really bad. I don't always believe forecasters, but in yesterday's case I would have done better to have paid closer attention to that. I left early enough so that light was still available. That was the only good thing about the drive. Otherwise one worries about all the other crazy drivers out there. You know, the trucker that's driving his way bigger than me semi at the speed limit (65mph) past me in the snowy icy left lane, the pick up ahead of me that's going 20mph even though he probably has 4 wheel drive, the cars already in the ditch...oh yes, and all I can see is what's immediately in front of me. That would be the pickup going 20mph and hs 4 way flashers. The closer to OC I got, the worse it was. Now see, I promised myself at least 20 years ago after one particularly horrible drive in a blizzard that I would NEVER drive in a blizzard again. So rightly I should have parked myself in LeMars for the night. The pull of comfortable home could not to be ignored. Silly really. It would have been worse spending the night in the ditch in the cold. So. I will NEVER drive in a blizzard again.

1 comment:

Mr.Brian said...

Shall we hold you to that????