Monday, October 27, 2008

Sand, dirt,food,and washing windows

We had Kristin and the two boys over the weekend. It's always a challenge for us to keep up with them! Ron had them both outside while he worked on his cement work prep. The boys had a blast playing in the sand pile. They came in the house with clothes filled with sand, their bodies covered in it. They left a trail upside and down. They had to have their clothes washed and they left the whole pile in the wash machine. Another sandbox.
Then there was food. That is always a highlight for them. They think Grandma is so creative. Strawberries added to yogurt, corn 'on the cob' (really fresh frozen) ice cream-everything they could possibly love. Isaiah always asks the night before "what's for breakfast"? He loves hearing about and then, I imagine, thinking about food. So for him yogurt is a great food. Actually, for him any food seems great. He's easy to please. Let it be cheese. ketchup. cream. chocolate milk (hot chocolate,too) hot dogs.
We watched Calliou on the computer DVD Downloads from the library. High School musical (just the music part) and a Veggie Tale. Isaiah helped us with a service project with our small group (he helped wash windows) and in general, was as good as gold. For us. For his mother, that was a different story. He tried her patience. To the max. I'm sure my kids never fought or argued or whined or complained. I'm sure I never got tired or frustrated or discouraged. Amazing how much of my memory is gone!
Did I tell you we get them again toward the end of November when Nathan has some surgery. Now that will be a challenge. No parent to turn them back over to. It will be grandma and grandpa 24/7 Whoa!

1 comment:

theKband said...

Isaiah's still talking about the yogurt. What is it about a grandparent's house that makes it a carnival ride??