Habit: Getting up at 5:30 a.m. every morning.
Rut: Eating the same thing for breakfast for 6 mos.
Habit: Doing some kind of exercise every morning at 6 a.m.
Rut: wALking the same exact route for 3 years
Habit: Smiling and saying good morning to everyone that comes to the library
Rut: Smiling and saying good morning to everyone that comes to the library even in the afternoon.
I need a change in my habits and ruts I think. Walk backwards. Brush my teeth with my left hand. Frown when I say good morning. Eat cake for breakfast! Think outside the box. Do it differently, try to move my brain out of the sameness that it's been in. Play in the rain. Sleep on the floor. Open the library back to front instead of the other way around!! Anyone else have some ideas about changing ruts???