Thursday, September 6, 2007

Ruts and Habits

Habit: Getting up at 5:30 a.m. every morning.

Rut: Eating the same thing for breakfast for 6 mos.

Habit: Doing some kind of exercise every morning at 6 a.m.

Rut: wALking the same exact route for 3 years

Habit: Smiling and saying good morning to everyone that comes to the library

Rut: Smiling and saying good morning to everyone that comes to the library even in the afternoon.

I need a change in my habits and ruts I think. Walk backwards. Brush my teeth with my left hand. Frown when I say good morning. Eat cake for breakfast! Think outside the box. Do it differently, try to move my brain out of the sameness that it's been in. Play in the rain. Sleep on the floor. Open the library back to front instead of the other way around!! Anyone else have some ideas about changing ruts???

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Growing boys

3 grand boys! Wow! This ought to see some interesting years ahead. Camping. Hunting. Fishing. Guns. Wrassling. Tools. I always thought Ron should have been able to teach his boys more about building and wiring and plumbing when they were growing up. They seem to have picked things up pretty good despite the lack of direct oversight when it came to those things when they were 12. And there's no doubt they got the idea with the hunting, the fishing, and the camping. (that is they seem to enjoy all of it!) So there will be lots of outings to look forward to. Camping in the boundary waters, hunting big game somewhere... Then again, maybe these boys will be into cooking, sewing, and making in general. Grandma might be able to exert some sort of influence!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Velveteen Rabbit

We were talking about being a mother-in-law tonight. When I first actually became one, it scared me to death because I wasn't sure what that role meant. More than anything i wanted my daughters-in-law to realize that I wasn't anything out of the ordinary: just a woman who raised a son and expected said son to love and respect his wife more than anyone else. I also wanted them to see me as a 'real' person who had doubts, fears, worries and who was still struggling to grow and be who God had called her to be. Failings still abounding. Definitely not a know-it-all. Or even a meddler. But full of mistakes. I have heard mother in law jokes, and seen some pretty awful mothers in laws of friends, and I absolutely did not want to placed in that category. I wanted it to be more like a sisterhood. A sharing of times that i've already experienced and can perhaps give insight to-though not perfectly. Above all, I wanted to be real. This being 'real' thing is sometimes hard to get right. It can be painful. And scary. After all, it can mean putting myself out there for the family to see warts, naked and all.Yikes. I tend to want to run and hide, or behave like 'miss perfect'. I've noticed misinterpretation can take place that way, too. I do have two wonderful daughters in law who have been so willing to share their lives and now their children with me, too. How blessed I am!

Monday, September 3, 2007

Baby pictures

We have pictures of the new grandson. How could there be anything sweeter? A 7 lb baby is much smaller than a 9 lb baby (that was Isaiah and Phinehas) so I was amazed at his perfect smallness! Can you tell? His parents are 'over the moon'? Pretty cool to see!