Thursday, July 1, 2010

Making the Paper

So I just have to share these articles with everyone. A 'space needs' consultant did a study at the library in April, and reported his findings to city council on Tuesday. I thought it went well. The newspaper did a write up on his report. Here is that link for what they said. (And, I might add, they got it right!)
Then today, there was an editorial in the paper. Here is that link:
See what you think!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Month long absence

Ok Ok, Thanks for the messages from my vast readership :) (as they say). Nonetheless, it has been a very busy June. First a wedding. Those are way more fun than funerals, let me just say. This one was no exception. Second, our annual trip to the zoo. It was fun to get together. Nathan won the family contest. I'm not sure how that happens. And hey, there were even pretty nice prizes! We were supposed to do our first camping trip of the summer last weekend, but we ended up enjoying a mighty storm at home because Ron was definitely not up to the trip. More on that later....

Here are grandkids in all their glory. I don't have enough room to post them all, so I'll just put up a few of my favorites:
All of these taken in the space of just a few seconds. Can you tell?