Friday, April 24, 2009

Planet X

So I have been discovering things about LeMars that lead me to believe I might actually be on a whole 'nother planet. Clue #1: several weeks ago I was checking out my buys at WalMart. Not my favorite place, but hey, they sell cardstock and computer things cheaper than, well the paper store. But I digress...Since I was waiting to check out I thought it would be a good idea to observe. I am often found wanting in that area so when I can practice observing, I do!... Ahem, yes, well what I observed was the clerk. Something funny there. Hmmm. She? was dressed like a woman, her name tag said 'Joanne' but, well she? really didn't look like a woman. Too, hmm, square if you know what I mean. Voice-several octaves lower than most of my girlfriends. Slight hint of stuble on the face. Double hmmmm....I actualy did the rude thing, I stared. I cocked my head and squinted my eyes and really really tried to figure it out. Ok, so I behaved like what I always told my kids not to do, you know, "Don't stare". Short of directly asking "her" about my observations, I had to move on.
Clue #2: yesterday we had a little old lady in. Not too much unusual in that, but this gal looked to be about 60 and had long flowing black hair. After asking one of the staff to hold her bag she raced back to the bathroom. And went directly into the men's bathroom. Well, that stopped me. And I stopped the next two gentlemen who needed to go in. Goodness aren't the doors clearly labeled? Yes indeed. Our little old lady was feeling like the male that he was born as that day. Come to find out, sometimes he/she will come in and use the ladies.... goodness.
Adding arrest in our entryway. stolen daily papers,colorful characters=planet X!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

A Lunch Break

It was a perfect day for taking my lunch to the park. Le Mars has the coolest bike/hiking path and it runs right next to "the pit". Evidently I am the last one to have discovered this place. On a beautiful day like this everyone was sitting out there soaking up the sun and the warmth. Me, I had to have a book, too. I could hardly drag myself back to work. The place is lovely. The ducks were out enjoying the day, butts up in the water. All around me were walkers and birds and I could see the trees leafing out as I sat there. I've found the best place for the sumer for sure.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Things that happened on Tuesday

For having nothing on my calendar today I was overwhelming overwhelmed

Grant writing means I have to keep my calculator handy
Phone calls - line up, convince, confirm,
instant messaging
ACHHH that dumb bill I've been waiting for came back and hasn't been changed one bit. Am I going to have to get irritated about this?
City council meeting where I learn about railroad extensions, sewer projects, hospital aquisitions, and I try to stay awake through it all.
"Sue, yes or no?" I have to say no. It's easier to say yes later when I find out what the question is.
Wow, look at all these books in J that could be YA. We shall move them....Today?
Someone goes home sick. I will have to stay least I'm willing to if I need to.
A trip to Walmart for pictures. I hate Walmart for pictures. What am I talking about, I hate Walmart for most everything. I feel like I am compromising my basic American values by shopping here.
Oh, look they have peanuts. There go my values again.
emails, mail, a beauty of a day, lunch at my desk, time to wait on people and even answer some questions.