Friday, April 18, 2008

Rule of 3

Here are some truly random thoughts for today. Sorry about the weirdness of this. Sometimes I just can't help myself!
3 kids. 3 things to tell the doctor. 3 grandkids, 3 things to do today in Sioux Falls. 3 bears. 3 snows on a Robin's tail. 3 little pigs. 3 billy goats gruff. Triune God.(that's 3) Holy holy holy. Take pictures in thirds. 3 points and a poem. 3 blind mice. 3 musketeers. 3 wise men. 3 act play. 'location location location', 'friends romans and countrymen', 'Vini, Vidi, Vicci' , It's the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth!...
This is one of the oldest of all the presentation techniques - known about since the time of Aristotle. People tend to remember lists of three things. Things in threes will become more memorable.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

April Word: Hope

It's been a good month to hold on to this word-Hope. We have that sure and certain conviction that despite the snow, the cold, the bitter winds spring will arrive. The cold and snow will go. Our hope has never been dashed before. Hope: The ground for expecting something desired. the Promise. The hope I'm talking about is not the 'maybe' kind. It's the absolute assurance that what is promised will occur no matter what the outward circumstance looks like. It absolutely goes beyond the disappointment, discouragement and doubt to the place where FAITH rests. I expect "it" to happen. I expect it because I know the God who promised.
One of the great things about hope is that hope is a very strong thing. You can stomp it out, but boy is it hard to do. “Hope springs eternal in the human breast,” wrote the poet, and that was surely a true line. There’s just something hopeful about us as human beings.

"For who hopes for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience." (Rom:8:24) and this even better hope verse: Are you not He, O Lord our God? We set our Hope on you for you do all these things" (Jer. 14:22)

"And Hope does not disappoint us." (Rom. 5:5) Our friends might disappoint us. our marriage might disappoint. Our Children may disappoint. That gift I got for christmas might disappoint...but Hope? Never. Why? Because Hope does not depend on us. Hope does not depend on me. Thank God. It is from God. It is not wishful thinking, vague generalities. mooshy thinking. Hope is from God. And in Him we have our hope, our strength and our joy. So for the rest of the month, no matter what comes hold this thought: HOPE!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Buster

So Buster is celebrating his birthday this month. I actually have the exact date but I won't go into that much detail right now. He is 10 years old. We've had him for 9 years already. A middle aged dog, and if the stories my brother tells are to be believed, he's lived a long life for a Kroesche dog. But that's beside the point. I met my first Boston quite a few years ago, a dog named Sparky. He was a delightful little fellow and I fell in love with the breed. They are people dogs through and through. Their first thought is always 'oh wait, there's a person in the room and I need to say Hi!' Buster is no exception. He loves to play with people, be with people, sleep with people, sit with people. I'm sure he thinks he is a people!

I spent quite a bit of time hunting for Bostons on the internet. They are all over the place. As is common for many breeds, there is even a Boston rescue club that one could get a Boston from. But as it turned out I found one at a place near Postville. Ron went hunting over there and I ordered him to check this dog out. Why were they selling one so cheaply? Was everything ok with it. And while he mumbled and grumbled about it , that's what he did. It turned out the guy needed to get rid of the male dog because he couldn't use him to breed to his sisters. So we got him for a song. Ron brought Buster home with him and he just waltzed right into our house like he owned the place...not to mention our lives. Our kids think we treat him better than they EVER got treated. I mean, is that fair? I just say, I don't have to raise Buster to be a responsible adult like I did them. And they sigh and agree. He's certainly not a responsible dog that's for sure. But it's ok. He's quite the dog!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Just like Gramma

Someone once told me I was like my grandmother. That wasn't a compliment. Remembering that one is not supposed to speak ill of the dead (who made that rule?) lets put it this way-she did not endear herself to her family and friends. Even her son, my father, often commented that she would probably live to be 100 because she was so onery. Sigh. I showed my 'grandmotherly' style this weekend. Fortunately not to my grandkids. Unfortunately to friends and coworkers. Fortunately it was only for a day. Unfortunately it was a whole day. Well, here's hoping there's mercy and not justice waiting for me.