Thursday, June 19, 2008

Ah Summer

The Farmers Market has started up again. It's been going a few weeks, and though there aren't all that many vendors up there you can still get some delicious stuff. Just take a peek at what I've been buying 2 days a week for a couple of weeks! And this cool "going green" to the Market bag was a gift from my sewing, creative friend Amy. She gave it to me just so I could bring strawberries home from the market! I think this short 'strawberry' period is one of the best of the summer! I hunted around for a recipe on how to freeze strawberries and found a pretty good one on the internet (of course) You just wash the berries, take off the tops, and spread them on a sheet, pat them dry then quick freeze them. After a couple of hours you can takethem off the sheets and put them in bags for the freezer to be used on a cold winter day when you're just longing for that sweet taste of home grown strawberries. MmmM!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Back Yard Barb B Que

Hey tonight we had our...well, i think it's the second bar b que of the season on our deck. The deck is just the all time best place to be on a warm summer evening. No wind. Not too many annoying bugs and lots of food. Brats and hamburgers and salads and Wow, there was ice cream dessert! Then we all sat around in our camping chairs and talked and talked and talked... about learning english as a second language. Gas prices.. the remodelling in our houses.. babies that are due ... gas efficient cars .. copper robberies ... good camping spots .. our kids .. And I met a couple of the people Ron works with that i didn't know.

Let me just say it was a very nice evening. Our deck helps me to be the perfect hostess!

Monday, June 16, 2008

There is no other name under Heaven

Isaiah was telling me on my visit to his house yesterday, what it takes to get to heaven. The first step, he informed me, was to ask Jesus for forgiveness of my sins. "Grandma, do you sin?"

"Sad to say Isaiah, yes I do."

"I sin a lot." he told me.

I had to laugh at that one. The spankings he's gotten probably keeps that pretty clear in his mind. I however, haven't had a spanking since I was, well, it's been awhile. So How do I know about that sin? It's pretty easy to slip into the thought that I'm an 'ok' person, after all. I haven't murdered anyone lately....

But I have ignored them.

Thought really ugly thoughts about them while I was driving behind their slow moving vehicle.

said unkind things

held on to an unforgiving spirit

been proud

enjoyed gossip
let jealousy overwhelm me...

Yes. I guess I'm not such a great person after all. Those 7 deadly sins, (Pride. Envy. Wrath, Gluttony,Lust, Sloth and Greed)Yup, I own them all. Thanks for the reminder Isaiah. At least I know they have been taken care of at the I just need to make a small trip to the foot of that cross.