Thursday, January 31, 2008

Hodge Podge Haiti info.

If you click on my Haiti map from yesterday's post You can get an enlarged picture of the map. We are headed to Cap Haitien first then on to Bohoc which is in the central Plateau. (wherever that is. I hope someone knows the roads well and is driving, because I'm not in charge here!) Once we get there, I have a bit better idea of what we'll be doing than I did at the beginning of this. I have the chance to teach a lesson for the Mompremier's two girls Kerri and Tana. Then I will be doing some bible studies with a group of pastor's wives and another smaller group later on. There will be some other physical labor as well. They are repairing a ventilation system and digging an irrigation ditch. That will amuse me if I get to help with that! (don't ask why. Just know that I have been the 'gofer' in countless projects so I should be right at home doing this!) So, we are counting down. Less than two weeks to go. Bags are getting full!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Haiti List

Thanks for responding to my call for Haiti items. Wish I'd done that earlier, since my time is now short, and my next bag isn't quite so big. But here is what I have left on my list:

Construction paper
Pipe cleaners
Miracle Gro (or its equivalent)
scissors/glue (sticks work)
Tools: putty knife, chisel, wire brush, paint brushes
children's clothes (small t shirts)
sticky tacky
bulletin board trim
educational posters or flash cards, or manipulatives
colored pencils, pens,
craft kits of any kinds
foods like pringles, trail mix, gum, mints, peanuts, rice and noodle mixes, crackers, wrapped snacks....
batteries, matches, notebooks
Well, you get the idea. Thanks for sharing! We leave February 13. (at 7:30 a.m.) So best to get these to me before the 12th!

February Resolution Focus: Humility

The dictionary defines humility as modesty, lacking pretence, not believing that you are superior to others. Sometimes my pride comes all dressed up like it's humility and it's really just the mask that i'm wearing. Self deprecation, and that refusal to look at the camera aren't really humility. I need to learn how to put that away and wear the real thing: humbleness in all it's life like, serving, giving, thinking-of-others-first beauty.

Let me tell you, humility is NOT in my genes. I gravitate toward self conceit every time. Just ask my brothers and sister. They know that I would think of myself first when left to my own devices. Putting away that ugly pride requires me to deny myself, to put away envy and that horrible desire in me to BE FIRST! I am looking forward to Haiti, but I know I have to be careful not to let my education, my position, my country, status or whatever preconcieved notions I have about Haiti get in the way of being that servant first. I know that I have a really lot to learn.

Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves (Phil 2:3)

Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, (Col. 3:12)

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


We discovered the other day that I have waaaaay underpacked for this trip. This, now, makes me laugh as I have 3 bags stuffed beyond reason sitting in my bedroom and front room. 1st. I said I am packed. That is a little over the top in preparation style stuff. There's still 2 weeks to go to the trip. Of course, for the most part I don't need any of the stuff I'm taking including all the clothes. Almost everything will stay over there. 2nd is the word underpacked. Is such a thing possible when travelling on a mission trip to a 3rd world country? We are supposed to take 2 50 lb. bags. Inconceivable. I will have to fill one with the weight of saws and hammers and fencing and irrigation pipes or whatever. I think I have no idea what I'm doing. Let alone how I will wrestle around these bags. Just think, in order to fill one more bag the size of this bright shiny red one that I just got I would have to go out and buy.... buy.... buy.... Well, maybe you all want to send donations to fill the bag!! Let's see. I need construction paper, miracle gro, small hand tools (really), vitamins, lotions, food mixes, craft items, sewing items....well, if you want a list just ask. In the meantime....

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Happy Birthday Nathan

Nathan's birthday is in April. So actually, why am I wishing him a happy birthday already? We were excited to get (and sort of) give him his present this weekend!! We got him a digital camera and he is "graciously" letting me take it to Haiti with me in a couple of weeks. (can't take my SLR because it's way too big) I needed to play around with it in order to be comfortable using it. One thing I don't need is a learning curve on a camera when I'm only in Haiti for a week. Anyway. I have spent my afternoon taking pictures and I'm ready to give you a review of this camera. It's a Nikon Coolpix S51. 8.1 megapixels. Metallic blue. Very cute little camera. It must pretty much be operated one handed, which worked out well, since i was walking the dog and picking my way over the slush and running water as I walked. I only really had one hand to use. That's because the lens is right at the edge of the camera and it's very easy to get fingers in the way of the shot, which i did several times. The whole back is the LCD screen. Very hard to see in the sunshine. If you're used to looking through an eye piece, as I am, then getting used to using the screen to set up your shot is rather a trick. I think it will be ok though. Focus was not my worry, as it does that for you automatically. Your only choice is to use the wide angle lens or a close up. It has a 3x optical zoom 6.3-18.9mm which isn't much, and a bit of a digital zoom as well, though I really don't like digital zoom. It also does movies, records sounds, can be set up for self timer (which I haven't done yet) and has several other features that I'm working on figuring out. One other cool feature is a scroll button that you roll around like on an IPod to get to a picture as you're looking through them. Very easy to look at pictures you've taken.I have to hope that the battery will hold up well. It's a rechargeable lithium battery. The SD card is 4 GB and should be sufficient for the # of pictures I will take in a week's time in Haiti. (holds over 1,000) The camera does go to 'sleep' if not used after a few minutes. I'm not sure if it will shut itself off though. So. Happy birthday again, Nathan. Thanks for letting me use your new camera. I promise to take good care of it and bring back a ton of great pictures from Haiti. I'll be able to give you a few lessons on the camera, too!