It seems that I have turned into this obsessed, work crazed woman. I think they call that 'workaholic'. I am not sure why anyone should think that. After all, isn't a 50 hour week at the library fairly normal for everyone? I seem to simply not have enough time to get everything done. There are policies to write, PR that needs to be put out, patrons to visit with, a bigger library to create!!! We don' have enough room. We aren't getting along with the neighbors so I have fences to mend. We don't have enough money from certain segments of the constituency so it's my job to figure out how to get it. I keep dreaming that at the next board meeting they're going to realize what a mistake they've made by hiring me, and I'll get the boot. Literally. So I work in frantic overtime, crazy get it all done today, mode.
Consequently, supper is always late. I don't enjoy too much of the day outside (though it's still cold out, so I don't care right now, but Oh I will) I eat lunch at my desk, I wander from one task to the next, sometimes rather aimlessly, I feel out of control, the weekends seem really short, and, well, you get the picture.
I have a grandson coming soon. i better cut some of this out. Help!