As you can see..Either Buster has morphed, we got a new dog, or could it be?... It's Max! Max the dachsund is my sister's dog. Believe me, he doesn't belong to the family, he's not the son's dog, he is my sister's all the way. He tolerates all others only because my sister tells him it's ok. He is in all ways her defender and guardian. She is his first and foremost. This morning he got up early (4:15 to be exact) to let her know that someone was coming in the house. That would be Adam who was coming home from his prom. I, unfortunately, thought it was time to get up for our walk. (that was scheduled for 5 am) It wasn't til I was putting on my socks that I realized there was something wrong. Maaaaax. Honestly. Oh well, he is useful in some ways: He keeps the rabbit/rodent population down in the back yard. Defends from mailmen and other such things. He generally owns the place. Along with his owner, of course. That would be Joan. Not so useful in others: he eats anything placed on tables or lower. I see the garbage in the bathroom is up high so he must investigate that stuff too. Dogs.
So in case you didn't guess it, I am in Chicago for a few days. It's party time here. Max will join the fun, too.