Friday, December 15, 2006

Out of Control

Do you know how much stuff there is to buy out there? Hunter in a bottle, GPS systems, socks with the Husker logos, books that help us define the spirit of Christmas (that includes books about Buddah and the Moslem guy. Yikes!) I definitely need to stay away from the malls, stores, shops, sales and bargains. I keep buying and buying and...well, who really needs all this stuff? I know, I know, this has been discussed hundreds of times and I'm just now joining in? I think those 3 wise men might themselves be a little nauseated at what their initial act has created. Still, I just can't seem to stop myself. What I'd really rather do is spend time with friends and family or trip on down to Broken Hearts ministry in Mexico and help out there. Even better would be to get the family to go along with us. I keep saying "maybe next year" and then by May I'm back to buying for Christmas already. How to break that habit? Hmmm.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Knowing your stuff

So I got to babysit "the boys" today. Pretty easy stuff compared to actual parenthood. All I had to do was play! And interpret 2 year old talk. And keep the baby out of the line of fire. And know where the lunch was. That's a breeze compared to 24/7 of parenthood. I didn't even worry if the 2 year old actually picked up his toys like his parents wanted. Or if he ate his pudding before his sandwich. (He didn't really!) I'm the grandma! Now, granted I'm not giving these boys a blank check... only lots of hugs, kisses and playtime. This is much simpler than raising them to be responsible God powered adults! Their parents are already doing that job. Well, too, I might add. This whole thing reminds me of camping with my nephew. He didn't like the meal I'd fixed. But, not to worry. I didn't make him sit at the table until it was gone like I might have with my own kids. I sent him off. My kids were apalled at the "unfairness" of it. But my reasoning was that in the week that he was with us I wasn't going to change his eating habits anyway. Besides. We only had a limited amount and kind of food. He'd eat when he was hungry. He'd eat what we had just like they were. That was fine with me! So. I'm off into this new grandma thing with great enthusiasm. And by the way let me just say that this child is extremely bright! (really!) At the age of two he can identify every single one of the tools in his tool box. Wrench. Hammer. Screwdriver. Pliers. Saw. Screws. Nail. And exactly what they're all used for. Wow! Don't you think that's impressive.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Well, our decorating is done. The house is ready for company. We are anticipating the Christmas holidays right along with our neighbors!
If we leave our curtains open the neigbors can at least enjoy the Christmas tree view. Good thing, because our outside lights, are pathetic. Hanging icicle lights with only half the lights lit. Red white and blue stars with the red lights burned out. cobbled together along the edge of the deck, they stay on (the ones that actually work) all night. In front we have lights that stay up all year. After hanging for a full year outside it's amazing that they actually work. After all, according to Ron, by the time he can take them down, it's about time for Christmas so he might as well leave them up.
But then take a look at the neighborhood. The blue house down the street has white icicle lights hanging from every corner. Next door graceful strings of white lights compliment the hanging garland on their porch. Luminaries line the sidewalk across the street. There are wreaths, lit evergreens, and outdoor displays up and down the street. If there was a competition we'd win for 'sorriest looking'. We'd hardly get credit for trying. Somewhere in our basement are the real strings of icicle lights that should be hanging from our eaves. However, the energy to get the lights up left years ago. At least we still have enthusiasm for the season. It's not the lights or even the beautiful tree; it's the hope and anticipation we have for welcoming a King!
Merry Christmas.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


My morning walk routine has been so scheduled that I can tell if I am 'early' or 'late' by the people I meet on my route. Driver in white blazer at stop sign on Florida and 5th by 5:50; Runner in shorts at 7th NW by 6 a.m. ; Two girls with dog by 6:15 at Dover and 3rd... I have to hustle along so I'm not late! Then of course there is the sunrise (or lack of)..I should be facing it for most of the walk if I am 'on schedule'. If not, I could miss the best part of the walk. Most mornings I am in the dark but in the early spring the sunrise greets me full on by 6 (until the time changes that is) During these long winter months I just endure the darkness hoping that the sun is faithful. I can check out the progress the stars make through the winter skies...Orion with his companion Sirius and Procyon sit in the southern sky. Taurus still struts high in the western sky, and the moon marks the days of the month one by one. My walks are spent with morning moons, or fogs, hazy, pink and yellow sunrises, birdsong or cold winter winds. None ever the same. Too cold? Too icy? Bundle up, or unfortunately use the treadmill. Those who lie abed these days have missed the best part of the day! And anyway I have to take off that cheesecake of course!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Eating Cheesecake

This time of year I don't have to wonder if what I'm eating will move over into my hips or my thighs. I can watch it happen as I happily consume the abundance of sweets like the raspberry/blueberry cheesecake that I ate tonight. That "moment on the lips/lifetime on the hips" thing is never so true as at the holiday eating season. From the cookies to the chocolate tortes I can hardly control the indulgence. Why didn't we have a season of the vegetables!