Saturday, January 27, 2007


I got my " first" mp3 player. What fun. More time on the computer for a convenience! I am so busy figuring all this stuff out... podcasts, blogging, MARC, library 2.0, RSS feeds and on and on. All I want now is to figure out how to download a podcast. It can't be that complicated right? Well, my husband is wondering where I keep disappearing to, and why I'm gone all evening. Hopefully, when I get this figured out it will only take a few minutes to download and go! I want to work out with Ravi Zacharias and others. So somebody help! And watch out I'll be asking for more help when I get on to podcasting.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Sunday's Child...

I really was born on a Sunday and the little poem that describes the character of children born on a certain day of the week (Sunday’s child is full of grace), Probably only describes what I desire to live my life like. But giving grace when you’re full up to here with living (house, family, job, maintaining) is not as easy as it appears first glance! How can I make those meals for the sick down the street? Do I really have time to go help my handicapped neighbor move and clean on a Saturday no less? I have to have time! or NAP! or READ!
Then there’s the meeting that I have to run. Tonight. And everyone is dropping out. No one can be involved because life is too busy. Full time jobs. Family. Wellness. This grace thing is waaay to hard for me. Smile. Be gracious. Still treat that husband like he’s “the best”. Avoid the ‘Sorry-for-myself’ routine.
I am being taught. The school of the wilderness is still in session for me. Where do I go to get that inner strength that I need? Fill me up Holy Spirit, with what I need to be “full of grace”.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

what color is winter

One only has to look around. The color of winter is as wonderful as the colors of spring.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Peering over the edge

Can't help but start the day and my "back to work" beginning with this wonderful picture of the Grand Canyon. Life so much like it. I know you've heard the words "awe-some" before, but the Grand Canyon truly defines that word. I've always said I wanted to do more than just peer over the edge of it. There's so much more to the Grand Canyon than this picture gives. What you can't see is the sun to the east pouring out its light over the canyon giving it color and dispelling the shadows. What we see from the distance is no doubt even more magnificant close up. But if you want that close up view, you have to plan ahead. Waiting lists for the mule ride (the easier way) down are booked a couple years in advance. Hiking requires physical preparation. So I keep telling myself "some day" I'm going to see it up close and personal. No matter that the last visit to the Grand Canyon was 15 or so years ago and I said the same thing then. So that leads me to this thought for today: Preparation begins today. If I'm just going to sit back and wait for that 'some day' event it probably means I'll miss it when it does arrive. I can't sit back. Plan. Prepare. Build up. Encourage. Start now. Hey. I think that's like the life in the spirit, too. I can't afford to wait passively until I'm better or know enough, or whatever my excuse for today is. Now is the time. Today is what He's given us. He keeps challenging me and charging me to bigger and higher things. Read. Pray. Memorize. Practice the Fruits of the spirit. Be. Don't just peer over the edge of a life in the spirit. Awe-some, too.