Thursday, July 24, 2008


So this looks like a lot of fun for someone! Two guys with a chain saw and a boom truck. Watch out world. Or in this case, neighbors. I don't know why, in the middle of everything else we have going on this summer he gets so easily distracted. So we've moved from the roof project(which is not quite finished, by the way) to tearing down an old building for the lumber for project # 2, to trimming up our trees in the front yard. He cut a big branch from the maple tree beside our driveway. Not quite all the way through. Then we stood there and watched as slooooowly, slooowly it cracked. It fell. It crashed into Vi's front porch window with a huge glass shattering crash. Ooops. Well, I guess we'll find out how good our insurance is. At least Vi was a good sport about it and didn't go into hysterics.

Oh, and the answer to my quiz yesterday about the sweetcorn: Sweetcorn is smaller than regular field corn and the tassles are much lighter. You can really tell easily if sweetcorn is growing beside the field corn in the same field.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

All things Sweet Corn

Hey the Sweet Corn is coming on! I have already frozen 4 quarts. I bought 12 ears at the Lincoln Farmer's Market for $4 a doz. I was pretty disappointed with it because the kernels were so full and hard. I just cooked it, cut it off the ear and put it in the freezer. It will taste ok this winter. I bought 12 ears from the Farmer's market here in OC for $3. Now that was fabulous stuff. I could make myself sick on it. Literally. But we between the two of us we ate 4 ears and I froze the rest. That will be even better this winter. I think I'll be able to get plenty of corn in the freezer before the season is over. I had stopped doing that because it's so much work, and hey, you can just go down to the grocery store and buy some frozen stuff if you want. But Ive had sticker shock lately, so I think I'll do a bit of this from now on. I have fresh green beans for supper too. I should get a couple of meals out of them! But the best of the summer time meals is this: fresh sweet corn with a bacon lettuce and fresh tomato sandwich. Wow!

But now for a test. Those of you from the midwest should be used to looking at corn corn and more corn everywhere you look. It's high priced stuff these days. But can you tell the difference between the regular old field corn (used to feed livestock and make ethanol) and that yummy stuff we can eat right off the cob-the sweet corn? And I don't mean by looking at the ears. I mean as you drive by the fields of it, can you tell what you're looking at? If you were paying attention (see yesterday's post) while you were growing up, you should know the answer to this one! I suppose you shouldn't need to worry if you can't tell the difference since i doubt any of you will be hiking into a field to pick your own ears, but this is an important point if you do!
So let's hear your answers!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Seeing God in Everywhere!

Many years ago, when my kids were still very young, I was given a challenge to go on a daily 'God Hunt', that is, to be mindful of God in the everyday of my life. Look for Him in my work, in my interruptions, in my household chores, in every single moment give myself a chance to see Him at work. Then, go that way! I found that if I looked back over the day I could see that much better sometimes than when i was in the heat of the battle, as it were. If I would have kept up the practice for the 30 some years that that's been, I might be better at it today. But of course, it's too easy to live without that 'practice of the presence of God' (brother Lawrence) I always want to do better and I had my hands on a little booklet the other day that gave me a nice list. I love lists. I love to cross my things off. That sense of accomplishment is too much for me. Anyway, This was a great day. A busy day, but full of things for me to be overwhelmingly thankful for. And in that, I would stop and say, "Hey! I see you God. You can't hide from me. You are at work in the lives of men. I want to join you in that." Here's today's God Hunt list:
  • The Mompremier's are back and they stopped at the library. I got to hear personally about young Kelly's folks who have left VooDoo. Wow! It is so very real for me because i got to meet the whole family.
  • The Farmer's Market was open today and I got fresh sweet corn. MMMMMmmmmm.
  • There was time for a nap.
  • My Ipod worked well this morning and I got to hear Joseph Stowell preach from Ruth while i walked. That was amazing.
  • I got a lot accomplished at work today. So what can I hope for tomorrow? I don't know. But if I PAY ATTENTION I think I will find Him. If I am open to being inconvenienced and humbled, I know even i can be used.

Monday, July 21, 2008


Have you ever played Farkel? Well, Nathan was dying to teach us how. It was, he explained, so much fun and easy too. (It was hard for Ron and I to be quiet. We've played before. Too many rule explainers makes it complicated) So we played. At least He didn't win. Kristin did. Jon and Mindy barely got in the game. They scored only once each. I don't think they'll be too eager to try again. Not much fun that way. I think Jon would have preferred a rousing game of risk, or Monopoly. But those games have been virtually banned at our gatherings. Anyway, Just ask Dave and Anita how I handle losing. We played ladder ball with them on our camping trip and I was downright grumpy about not doing well at that. Oh bother. Then, It was Yatzee the night before, and Kristin won that one too. I think she had no less than 3 Yatzee's. Sheesh. Someone should tell her that Kroesche's hate to lose. We also played the question game...that goes something like "If you could choose any time period to live in and take one thing from this one with you, which one would you choose?" If you had $100 extra dollars to spend on anything you wanted what would you buy?" You learn a lot about each other that way. We did the games after the boys were in bed. We didn't have to divide our attention that way. Fun stuff that. Talk about being blessed to have such a family-that would be me.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

First things First: those Grandkids

Oh what a wonder they are! Wiggly, chatty, fussy, hungry, energetic,enthusiastic,cuddly,curious, beautiful, miraculous, brilliant, funny...I'm sure you would love them as much as I do if you got to know them.