So this looks like a lot of fun for someone! Two guys with a chain saw and a boom truck. Watch out world. Or in this case, neighbors. I don't know why, in the middle of everything else we have going on this summer he gets so easily distracted. So we've moved from the roof project(which is not quite finished, by the way) to tearing down an old building for the lumber for project # 2, to trimming up our trees in the front yard. He cut a big branch from the maple tree beside our driveway. Not quite all the way through. Then we stood there and watched as slooooowly, slooowly it cracked. It fell. It crashed into Vi's front porch window with a huge glass shattering crash. Ooops. Well, I guess we'll find out how good our insurance is. At least Vi was a good sport about it and didn't go into hysterics.
Oh, and the answer to my quiz yesterday about the sweetcorn: Sweetcorn is smaller than regular field corn and the tassles are much lighter. You can really tell easily if sweetcorn is growing beside the field corn in the same field.