Ron is getting ready to go camping and canoeing in the boundary waters for a week. He leaves on Saturday with 5 other guys. But in the beforehand our house looks like there's been some sort of internal explosion. I try to avert my eyes when I walk by, or through, or is it around all this heap of stuff. There are bags, and underwear, sacks of unknown yet to be packed stuff, pots and pans, dishes, packs, fishing gear, tackle boxes, rain gear, baggies and then there is stuff on the table and it leaks over into the kitchen and has been rolling down the stairs. Did I say it looks like a bomb went off around here. In a few more days it will all be gone, and I will have the house to myself for a week. But when he gets home from this trip we will have to go through the pain of unpacking and putting it all away again. What a mess. er, I mean organizational process....