Monday, November 30, 2009

Book discussion

Last summer the girls got together at a Lincoln coffee house and talked about a book we'd deliberately decided to read. We read Lorna Landvik's Welcome to the Great Mysterious. At our family gathering this year, we got a coffee and a table at the Koffie Hoek in Orange City and sat down together to talk about Kathryn Stockett's best selling book, The Help. The book was such a fabulous story it wasn't too hard to have a whole discussion about racism, prejudices, the south in the 60's and today, even though two of us didn't have time to read it. Of course, just being able to get away from the house together was a big part of the fun. Now we need to come up with another book for the next time we get together, which probably won't be til next summer. phooey. Anyone else have some suggestions for us?

Sunday, November 29, 2009


This is our youngest grandson. Simeon Eugene. I have to tell you what an amazing little boy he is. Already he loves his grandpa (as you can see) Grandpa will be even cooler as the other grandsons have discovered as he's the one with the tools, the pick-up, and endless patience with little boys. After all, what could be more fun for a boy than pulling the string of the clay pigeon thrower, or hauling wood in a lawn mower!
This boy is already showing signs that he will not be a follower-he has no early teeth like Isaiah, he will suck his thumb unlike his brothers. And his name is powerful. It means "The Lord has heard" and Luke tells us that Simeon was "righteous and devout and looking for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him..." Wow! I love watching them grow.
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