Ok So yesterday (Sunday) wasn't a very good day. I had lots of time to think about this upcoming trip to Haiti and all of a sudden I realized that I am nuts. While I love to camp (i.e. be in the great outdoors without a lot of modern conveniences) I don't necessarily like to do it in a foreign language. Oh yes, friends, they speak a foreign language in Haiti. And what's more they eat goat meat. Truth be told, I am still thinking that Ron would be better at this since his talents and skills (i.e. carpentry, plumbing, electric work, hard physical labor, blah blah, blah) would be much more practical than any of mine (i.e. photography, storytelling, computer blathering) This has truly put me to the test in the courage department. So to review my thoughts on that..."Be of good courage...and I will be with you..." I think the word 'fearless' came up at some point. And the thought that perhaps I should just sit back and actually see what God might use me for. But above all, now that I've talked my friend into going, I shouldn't chicken out, as it were. So. I have to be more careful about these feelings of mine. They just get in the way for the most part. But you can pray for me anyway.