I have files and files of pictures saved to CDs. I don't always know what they are, so tonight I decided to point my finger, in effect, and whatever picture my finger landed on that would be my blog topic for the night. Thus, the blogging "potluck".
So my picture turns out to be my baby brother, Tom. He's a mere 5 years younger than I am and we have always been close. He does seem to think that I'm one of those 'know it all' sisters and he loves to make sure I know that I don't really (know it all) and that in the years since he was 3 he has learned a thing or two. I have two brothers and this one seems to be the most impulsive and fun loving. He's a daredevil, outgoing, friendly and a bit more hot tempered than I am. But our personalities mesh in ways that make it easier for us to get along somehow. And lucky me, he lives close enough that we get to see each other quite a bit. So Hoo Rah for my little brother Tom.