Saturday, August 15, 2009

back from the Boundary Waters

So Ron spent a week in the Boundary Waters fishing, fishing and some canoeing. Through an interesting set of circumstances, Ron was able to snap quite a few pictures of his trip. He got some great shots! It sounded like they had a great, warm time.
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Sunday, August 9, 2009

Girls weekend out

So speaking of camping...I got the camper to Sioux Falls, unhooked, set up. The lights didn't work and neither did the refigerator, but that wasn't my fault. We were sitting in the camper and someone moved a bit and what do you know, the lights and refigerator came on. Hoo RAh because it was HOT! wow, we needed the fans to run too.
But we had fun anyway, We went hiking on Saturday morning until we were so hot we nearly dropped. Eeek. It was pretty, though. Then we shopped til our money was gone. Ate supper out at an italian resuarant. We tried Marscapone. Mmmmm. Decadent.
I think I could do this again.Posted by Picasa