Friday, February 8, 2008

TECH Free night

Yesterday I didn't touch the computer (to blog or check my email or play games, etc. I was on it at work) nor did I have the TV on even once all day long. Wow! Was that a switch. Many years ago, when our kids were young we didn't even have a tv let along a computer and I managed to survive for a couple of years quite nicely, thank you very much. So this shouldn't be such a big deal, really. And I didn't really miss anything as it turned out. To say that there is nothing good for programming on TV right now is an understatement, but watching it every evening is a pretty big habit. So what did we DO with our spare time? Wow! We ate supper together at the table. We sat in the living room and talked. Then we both read our novels. (now I'm a reader anyway, and I usually squeeze that in between fixing supper and work but for Ron- well, he just doesn't.) We cleaned up the basement, worked on bills, and I finished getting stuff organized for my trip. It was a very pleasant evening and I think we'll make this more of a habit. A "One-Night-A-Week-TV-Computer-Free-evening" You might find us doing more amazing stuff. Like going to visit neighbors. Taking walks. Radical.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Wait

I feel like life is in suspension right now. I am in waiting mode. Only 6 more days until we leave for Haiti. I am having regular night time dreams about it now! Every morning I get up and rearrange my packed stuff. When I can pack my underwear I will know that the waiting is almost over!

I have spent many hours waiting, actually, so you would think I am used to it. Or something. Impatiently I waited through my 14 month engagement period. I thought that would never end. I only wanted to be MARRIED! Impatiently I waited nearly 2 years for the birth of my first child. I thought I would never stop being pregnant. (and believe me, an eternal pregnancy is something you don't want to have happen) Impatiently (still with the impatient thing) I waited for my children to grow up. That long 20 + years period I didn't enjoy nearly as much as I could have because I kept wondering 'how tall will they be? Who will they marry? Where will they live?......, (mind you, it wasn't all impatience.There are many memories of good family times together) I have waited for our house to be built so I could finally move in; waited to finally get a job in teaching, waited for vacation, waited in the car, waited in line, waited for kids, waited for my husband, waited to be done, waited to get going.... Why I bet 3/4 of my time is waiting. And Still I am impatient. One of my favorite authors, Louis L'Amour said it: "life isn't about getting to the destination. It's about the journey" So I know that I need to relax and live these next six days in eager expectation, and longing, but not impatiently. For of all the things I am sure about, the waiting time seems miniscule now that I can look back on it. And who wants to just be looking back and seeing only how impatient I've always been? Sheesh.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

February Resolution: Humility

The dictionary defines humility as 'modesty, lacking pretense, not believing that you're superior to others.' Sometimes my pride comes all dressed up like its humility and it's really just the mask I'm wearing. Self depracation and that refusal to look at the camera aren't really humility. i need to learn how to put that away and wear the real thing: humbleness in all its life like, serving giving, thinking-of-others first beauty. And if someone else even recognizes it, it's doubtful that it really is true humility.

Let me tell you, humility is NOT in my genes. I gravitate toward self conceit, selfishness every time. Just ask my brothers and sister. They know that I would think of myself first when left to my own devices. Putting away that ugly pride I wear requires me to deny myself, ( a bit of nakedness I fear), and that horrible desire in me to BE FIRST!

I am looking forward to this Haiti trip, but I know I I have to be careful not to let my education, my position, my country, status or whatever pre conceived notions I have about Haiti get in the way of being a servant first. I have lots to learn. That's why this month I am resolved about Humility.

" Do nothing from rivalry or coneit, but in humility count others more significant than yourself" (Phil 2:3)

" Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, patience."

Monday, February 4, 2008

Arm Exercises

I have told you all that I am usually an exercising freak! I can't go a day without doing some sort of exercise. Usually it's 45 minutes of walking. Sometimes I manage to make it to the wellness center to walk on the treadmills or use the eliptical machines. Then I get to listen to my IPod and that really makes me happy. (not quite as nice as actually talking to someone as I walk, though) Anyway, Friday I decided I had some time to go back to some weight lifting. After all, I have done that often as well. Though come to think of it, I haven't done my arm weights for more than two years. That's because of all the surgery I've had to correct what ever's going on in my left arm (carpal tunnel, spinal disc replacement, blah blah blah) I am, after all, completely mended from those surgeries. So I put the weights as low as they will go and proceed to do three sets of twelve reps. Didn't feel too bad at the time. May I tell you what you've already guessed about me. Not smart. No she isn't too smart at all. I have been in quite a bit of pain since then. In fact, I feel like I've been hit by the proverbial truck. Now I'm sure most of you weight lifter types out there think I'm just a whiner. after all, a bit of muscle pain isn't that unusual. but I have had trouble sleeping and I wake up frequently with lots of weird painful dreams. I'm back to pain pills, and favoring the other arm. I can even feel the dumb disc in my neck (really weird.) I just had to do this before i left on this trip. At least I know I won't be doing arm weights again for awhile. Back to just legs.