Thursday, March 12, 2009

Not too Far from Normal

It's pretty bad when the most you have to talk about in your day is what you did at work. And no, I promise not to. Nothing funny, or weird or even remotely outrageous happened today. I would classify it as pretty normal. Which sets me off in a direction.. heading down the road to look at "normal" Just a little meander by to see if you see the same things I do.

The get up out of bed, exercise, eat breakfast, shower routine occurs without explosions or poison or tripping over things.

The drive to work...well, it looked just like it did yesterday only the road is clear and dry so no sliding, flat tires or even eagles flying overhead.. (they are putting up new huge advertising signs close to LeMars, though)

No bills in the mail. no one sick today. We get a community service worker in who has to complete 60 hours of work. I have about 200 for him depending on how fast he wants to go. Books, blogs, email, report,lunch,tedious computer,and the book "good in a room". I can't tell how fast the day is going because I can't see the sun. I miss that. But check it off, work was normal.

Home by 5:30. I fix supper tonight. (now last night was NOT normal in that regard. I got sick-there was some hidden milk that did me in) Watch survivor, read.

So, see what I mean? I hunted all over for something interesting to tell you about and all I could come up with was normal. I don't want to move far from that spot, however. I've seen those NonNormal days and they can be pretty scary. So stick with me. We'll get through normal together.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Loving DaDa

Well, Jeremiah is a daddy's boy. After daddy he really appreciated his grandpa. While he would let me hold him and play with him, if either grandpa or Jon would walk into the room he glommed on to them so fast it was almost funny. He loved sitting on grandpa. He loved playing with hi dad. Me, ah, not so much, though he was tolerant of me.
Actually, he is also somewhat of a gadget boy. He loves rulers, cell phones, things in pockets and purses, wires, cords, pots and pans and getting to places that have been placed off limits. "Can I climb that chair? Well, if no one is paying attention and there's something interesting up there, then yes. Can I open that door?" Not usually. For the most part right now he's too short, but I can see that as a problem later on. And he's not afraid to head into a previously unopened space! like a bedroom or bathroom. The house is pretty well Jeremiah-proofed, but when we arrived he pounced at all the new things to be bible, my purse, my camera... He keeps his parents going! Watch out world,here comes Jeremiah!