I have , like many others, been in this position many times.. Needing to forgive. From experience I know i must find a way fo let this go. Really, the hurt comes from a direction i wasnt expecting, and I'm pretty sure these people really have no idea. There are clearly two sides to my heart in this, you know, the one that is so crushed and dismayed that it insists on clinging to the pain. I am trying not to cuddle up to it, or to let it grow in me, but I sense it taking root. Yesterday I heard from my pastor that forgiving doesn't mean that what was done is ok, or that it somehow makes everything fi e, it just gives you ( me in this case) release. I so need that. I need to let this go. I need to not nurture this pain let it root and take hold of me. I think too, that it's not like I've never unintentionally, or even intentionally hurt someone. I have graciously received forgiveness many times. I guess the other huge struggle is in knowing what my continued responsibility to these people is? Do send them birthday cards. Invite them for meals? Call and chat like I used to on occasion? I want to ignore them nd just cut them off. Nicely of course. If I never saw these people again that would be fine with me, however I suspect forgiveness won't let me off quite that easily.
"this is how the heavenly father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother or sister from your heart"