Friday, January 4, 2008

The Republican Caucuses

So we went politicking last night. Off to the caucuses. I had to drag Ron screaming and Kicking all the way. He really didn't want to go, but I insisted. I figured, with the millions of dollars the candidates spent, the least we could do was give them a piece of our minds! As it turned out, I wasn't the only one who felt that way apparently because there was a huge crowd. And the feel for this one was much different from other ones I've attended. Perhaps because OC is a much larger place than Monona or Webb. OC was divided into 2 rooms. Those of us from the east side of town met in one room, and those from the West side met in the other room. (plus people from the country and Maurice were there too) Needless to say, it was standing room only. We didn't get started at the appointed time as we waited for those standing in line to finish signing in. This is how it worked: They appointed a chairman to run the meeting and a sectretary to record. Anyone who wanted could speak for a particular candidate. They went through them alphabetically starting at Fred Thompson. Someone spoke up for him in about a 2 minute prepared paper. Pretty generalized. Then someone read a letter from the good Mitt Romney. Another 2 or 3 minutes gone. No one for Ron Paul. (or Duncan Hunter or Alan Keyes) Senator John Thune of SD was there to speak on behalf of John McCain. I enjoyed listening to him and 'almost he persuaded me'.... When it was Mike Huckabee's turn there was no advocate. That was a surprise. Someone finally stepped forward and told a weird story that he'd heard at one of his campaign events. Well, at least I didn't get it. What was that about? I wondered when he'd finished. Oh well. Another short speech for Rudi G. and we were ready to vote. We had to have an X on our hands to get the voting slip. Then while the votes were being counted we discussed the County 'platform' a bit. There wasn't much to that which surprised me,because at other caucuses that has taken up enormous amounts of time. Come to find out, they did that later after almost everyone had gone home. Darn. Anyway, Mike Huckabee took about 150 votes, John McCain, Mitt Romney and Rudi all had a few under 50. (That was just in our room. All the rest of the rooms voted about the same as ours). So, We happily sent all the candidates on to New Hampshire. Hope they're enjoying the same ads and nastiness that we did.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

My January Word

I thought breaking down the year into 12 bite size pieces (one a month) might be interesting. I thought I would do that with a one word summary of what I want my whole year to be like...12 x over. A sort of resolution only with a focus on a general characteristic that needs to grow in me. While I can work on this I suppose, I am not very good about keeping my resolutions anyway. So I thought maybe by looking at how God can work from my inside out I might get somewhere. Or maybe it will just be an interesting word study. Anyway! My January focus:


The dictionary defines it: strength of mind to carry on in spite of danger It is bravery, courageousness, daring, dauntlessness, doughtiness, fearlessness, gallantry, greatheartedness, guts, hardihood, heart, heroism, intrepidity, intrepidness, nerve, stoutness, valor

All of that just to look at how God can well up courage in me when I would run the other way. He tells me 'have courage.' 'Be courageous' 'Be of good courage', 'take courage', 'with full courage' But it comes from putting trust in the right places (HIM), despite outward circumstances, after waiting the full measure of time, with support from those of like mind, despite my feelings.

"Be Strong and Courageous"(Josh 1:7,18,23:6,)
"Whether the land is rich or poor and whether there are trees in it or not, be of good courage and bring some fruit of the land" (Num. 13:20)
"Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you." (Duet 31:6,7,23. Moses to Joshua)
"For we walk by faith, not by sight. Yes, we are of good courage..." (2 Cor 5:7-8)

I need courage to:
Do things out of my comfort zone.
to wait
to be open
To change
To share my faith
To grow old
To face an evil world and my doubts.

So walk with me this month in courage. Tell me your stories.

Monday, December 31, 2007

On politics. Aren't You Sick of it Too?

.: Get one @ :.

This is a subject that's hard to avoid. You know, the one your mother told you was not polite dinner table conversation topics....religion and politics. Yet here we are being nuked by politics on an hourly basis these past few days as we gear up for these caucuses. I can't help myself, I have to go, just as a measure of self protection. I am so weary of the false advertising, half truths, incomplete information, sheer guesswork, idiot factors, automated phonecalls (I've had 10 minute loud conversations to the automated Sarah Huckabee, John McCain, and Mitt) and those push polls that if I never have another political inkling in my bones it will be too soon. On Sunday after church we had a trifold pamphlet stuck in our windshield from the citizens concerned about honesty (or something like that) but minus their names, telling us all about the evil Mike Huckabee. Rudy seems a bit absent up here in Orange City conservative land, and Mitt seems to be shooting from behind the trees so we can't quite see him. Then there's Fred who? Is he really running or was that a joke? No matter. I have made up my mind. Let's get this thing over with so New Hampshire can have at them. Even after we've cast our votes I don't think the camoflage will come off. We won't know what we really have until well after the election and we are embroiled in another war, or letting the illegals dance across the border at will. Nothing like democracy!
Here are the odds I've seen. Just like a Horse Race!
Mike Huckabee 3-2 Hillary Clinton 3/7
Mitt Romney 3-1 Barak Obama 7/2
Rudy Giuliani 10-1 John Edwards 25/2
Fred Thompson 10-1
John McCain 10-1
Ron Paul 25-1
Duncan Hunter 98-1