Blowing up several hundred balloons is a fun Saturday experience don't you think? That's what I spent part of the day doing...Fortunately not by hand. The invention of the air compressor was more wonderful than I ever could have thought possible. Even so, it was time consuming and hard on the fingers. Tying the knots was trying. My hands turned blue (the color of the balloons). It takes a LOT of balloons to fill up an empty space! More than I would have imagined. I'm sure the kids we're doing this for will love it, but will not in any way appreciate the amount of time and effort that it took. They will be done with them way quicker than the time it took, too. Ah well. Such is working with kids. Someday one can hope that they will learn, and say, wow, I never appreciated how much grown ups did for me when I was a kid. Ha!