I always assumed Buster spent his day sleeping. But I have found evidence of late, that I am wrong about that. I should have known, though, from other mischief he gets himself into! Some days when I get home he is outside anxiously waiting for me. He's not fond of the heat or the cold, so the day has to be about perfect for him to be outside for any amount of time. We have him boxed into our kitchen, so he can't go too far anymore when he is indoors. It is, of course, too late for our couch. He totally destroyed the one in the front room before we got the baby gate to keep him inside the kitchen. If I leave a waste basket out anywhere he will tip it over and tear apart anything in that. All garbage is kept in cupboards or up on a ledge or in a tub where he can't reach it. I'm sure that the AdVisor paper delivery boy teases him when he delivers the paper. Buster goes nuts when anyone comes to the dooor. My can he jump HIGH! So I'm sure the boy enjoys seeing how high he jumps while he stands there with paper in hand. Even the sound of the postman at the door will send Buster into hysterics. So. It isn't sleeping that he does all day that's for sure. He is always glad to see me and shows that joy by chewing his bone cheerfully on my shoe and curling up next to me while I nap. What a dog.
Buster has such a wonderful personality and is full of spunk.
The neighbor kids love him.How many dogs have kids coming to the door to ask for them to come out.
so, he is not the perfect dog! But then again I knew that from the couch episode! Oh well, you still love him don't you?!?!
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