Monday, November 12, 2007


You haven't seen any new posts from me because we had the grandkids over the weekend. Believe me, they leave 0 time for anything like writing a blog! I have to say, I don't know how parents do it! That is, run after little ones all day long, without falling into a heap and crying out "I give up! I give up!" It must have something to do with my age. I sure don't remember being this exhausted at the end of two days! These boys were a delight, and pretty good, considering they were on their own with their grandparents, away from mom and dad.

Isaiah, when asked what he was thinking about after he'd gone to bed, responded by saying "I'm thinking about what we're going to have for breakfast!"

Phinehas made himself perfectly clear when asked if he wanted to eat, too. He was just like a little bird, opening his mouth for the spoon every time!

Isaiah had the chance to sit in the city snowplows for a minute or two. He didn't think that was such a good idea, so we took him back home. Once there he said, "Grandpa, I think I've changed my mind, I'd like to see those ducks, now" (Believe it or not, it took us several tries to understand that ducks, were really trucks)

Phinehas patiently built with blocks. Isaiah knocked them down quite eagerly.

They both loved the slides at the park. The train at the library. apples. and bathtime.

It was a good weekend, but I think distance from it will make it even better. Then I'll know I can do this again!

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