Friday, June 12, 2009

Farmer's Market

Orange City's Farmer's Market opened last week. Big hurrah from me, but it is slightly problematic getting there since it's only open from 3-5, and actually you have to be there right at the opening bell (yes they ring a bell and you can't buy anything one second before it rings either. They're very strict) in order to get the good stuff. It all goes in a big hurry. Well, all the good stuff goes. Like strawberries and asparagus. The first week I sent Ron with strict instructions to only buy strawberries or something fresh NO PIES OR BAKED GOODS. So he came home with nothing. He hadn't gotten there til almost 5 pm. So, he learned his lesson and the next day it was open he made it by 3 and brought home two quarts of strawberries and 3 bunches of asparagus. Good Man! I am still snacking on the strawberries, though the aspargus went in a hurry. I'm glad not to have to share that with my kids. I asked him to go again on Thursday and when I got home from work what did I find on my counter?? A PIE!! Honestly. Of course he was pleased with himself, after all, it was Blackberry! What could be better than that? It seems there were no strawberries to be had, and the asparagus lady wasn't even there, so since I hadn't given the 'NO BAKED GOODS' instruction, he just had to get something. He didn't want to disappoint me.
I'm going to have to find the Farmer's Market in Le Mars and just do this myself. The U-pick strawberry place (Getting's Gardens) isn't open yet, but when it is, I will go up and pick a freezer full. I definitely didn't have enough strawberries to last me all winter. I can't have Ron running off for baked goods everytime I'm not looking!

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