Wednesday, July 15, 2009

the big truck

When the boys were here over the 4th the weather didn't exactly cooperate. The kids were stuck in the house, except for a couple of brief forays like this one! A good friend is a trucker and so the boys got to check it all out and even go for a ride. (though I think it was a bit too loud for Phinehas) There were just so many nobs and buttons and horns and a bed even. Don't they look like they were having fun? Thanks Lynn for the pictures!Posted by Picasa


theKband said...

Isaiah tells anyone who will listen about his "first truck ride". He still is talking about it. Phinehas explains to people that he was the "teeniest, tiniest little bit scared"--his words, mind you.

Lady L said...

Your welcome! It was fun to take their pictures for them to remember the moment.