Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Last fall I put together a game for the family to play while they were at our house over Thanksgiving weekend. They did have a lot of fun playing. It was one of those, "Run-around-OrangeCity" kind of games. It was very competitive too, which is par for the course, I guess. Anyway, everyone had fun I'm thinking.
I am back to walking outside these mornings. (I am listening to a James Herriott novel for anyone who's interested) So on my walk this morning, you won't believe what I found! Well, it wasn't a $100 bill as my husband once found, but it was part of that game I had designed for the Thanksgiving weekend. Yup. Still in it's waterproof plastic bag. Hung up on a sewer drain. Hard to tell where it came from. (I put them up all over town after all.) Though I know where it was supposed to send the finder to next. So here it is folks: ziplock baggies keep things pretty dry even with 50+ inches of snow on top of them. And sadly, I was responsible for contributing to the general trashiness of the melting snow. Please don't tell anyone. I picked it up and took it home and threw it away. So it can be added to the trash heap properly.


thekroesches said...

Hmm, is that the one we could never find?

theKband said...

Must have been one the boys missed....oh yeah, wait, we lost that time.