(sycamore) (Basswood)
Orange City has two beautiful, huge Sycamore trees that I walk past on my morning walks. They are so splendid I decided I wanted one for myself and our back yard. So we've been looking. and looking. In my research however, I discovered that the Sycamore is a space hog. It gets so huge it should be planted by itself in a space because it takes up so much room. Since we have quite a few trees in our back yard already, we thought maybe a different tree would fit better. So we went with the Basswood tree, a.k.a. the Linden Tree. (I did not know that before) The Basswood is also known as a Bee Tree. You can guess the reason for this, Bees love its blossoms and incredible fragrance. In fact, Basswood tree honey is highly sought after. (Though it won't make much difference to us since we aren't keeping bees as well) It too, is a beautifully shaped tree and grows quite large. There are several of them in our neighbor hood as well. So Saturday, we stopped at Del's Garden Center in Spencer and found our Basswood. We are taking out a spirea bush plunked in the middle of our yard and replacing it with this lovely Basswood. Now if I can just live long enough to see it as big as the one across the street!
1 comment:
So tree lady,what kind is in my front yard between the sidewalk and street.I love the shape of it and it grows fast.
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