Do you know how much stuff there is to buy out there? Hunter in a bottle, GPS systems, socks with the Husker logos, books that help us define the spirit of Christmas (that includes books about Buddah and the Moslem guy. Yikes!) I definitely need to stay away from the malls, stores, shops, sales and bargains. I keep buying and buying and...well, who really needs all this stuff? I know, I know, this has been discussed hundreds of times and I'm just now joining in? I think those 3 wise men might themselves be a little nauseated at what their initial act has created. Still, I just can't seem to stop myself. What I'd really rather do is spend time with friends and family or trip on down to Broken Hearts ministry in Mexico and help out there. Even better would be to get the family to go along with us. I keep saying "maybe next year" and then by May I'm back to buying for Christmas already. How to break that habit? Hmmm.
so where does the road of good intentions lead?
Well, no where good that's for sure. So I should just jump in instead of "intending" right?
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