Weather, I have discovered, is all relative. Cold here would be considered balmy by Iowa
standards. The 70 degrees we enjoyed today was a nice winter day here. Spring time at
home! Flagstaff temps were in the 20's and snow still was on the ground.
Up there they are all excited about skiing season. I'm just looking for more
sunshine and warm. The Grand Canyon was wonderful. Not too many people.
No lines to wait in for anything. Could drive everywhere we wanted along
the rim. I took tons of pictures. (Can't share any of my own because I don't
have any way to upload any of them yet. Just wait!) Now, if I can just figure
out how to enjoy 70 degree days Arizona experiences, while I'm wintering in
Iowa! See you all soon.
To all who check this picture from Arizona: Yes this is the right one! Coldest weather in 17 years here. I know I know, no one is sorry for me. After all, the "cold" is low at 31 and high at 60. Sun is shining to beat the band!! Yesterday we took time to do some shopping. Trader Joe's is a favorite stop as is the mall. I already have a ton of pictures, none of which, sadly, I can load on to this antique computer. I'm lucky I can write any way at all. I can't post in the normal way. It took over an hour to download mom's new email account stuff. Oh well. She doesn't need all the bells and whistles.
Missin' you up here - nice iceberg - but I think that's what you'll find when you come home - be prepared!!!
Buster said to say hi and he is doing fine.He also said he can not understand why Mr. Brian said he is spoiled.
We are having a great time, he has been funt to have around.
Well libgran, glad to see you are enjoying your winter vacation even though it wasn't as warm as you would have liked!
To be honest with you, I've been enjoying not getting up early while you've been gone :) I really think beckyb and I should do the evening exercise thing.
Wait til you see the snow! I'm sure it will still be around by the time you get home.
See you then
Have a bone to pick with you - you posted on mine today and said you missed Buster - Hey, what about me?!?!?!? I've been missing you at the library - just so you know!!!! No one to talk my ear off!!!! Just kidding - I love it!!
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