Saturday, January 27, 2007


I got my " first" mp3 player. What fun. More time on the computer for a convenience! I am so busy figuring all this stuff out... podcasts, blogging, MARC, library 2.0, RSS feeds and on and on. All I want now is to figure out how to download a podcast. It can't be that complicated right? Well, my husband is wondering where I keep disappearing to, and why I'm gone all evening. Hopefully, when I get this figured out it will only take a few minutes to download and go! I want to work out with Ravi Zacharias and others. So somebody help! And watch out I'll be asking for more help when I get on to podcasting.

1 comment:

Beckyb said...

You are LIKE SO OUT OF MY league over there!!! Podcasts - hmph!!!