I've taken no end of grief about my "reading style". I am prone to 'cheating' as it were. That is reading the end of the book before I actually get there! There are lots of reasons why I do this but I don't quite understand why this horrifies everyone so. Sometimes I just like to be in control, rather than having the book be in control. (if that makes any sense at all) Sometimes I don't want to be surprised. Sometimes I don't want to invest too much in a character who turns out not to be very nice (or dies or whatever) Sometimes I just like to read 'out of the box' and just be different. And then there's times when I just don't really have time to read a book in the normal fashion: i.e. front to back soI speed things up a bit. One thing I know when it comes to reading, I get to do it any old way I want to. After all, It's me who's affected. Not anyone else. So the other day I discovered this Readers Bill of Rights and I thought I'd share some of them with you (and especially with those who think I have a wrong reading habit!):
1.You have the right to never apologize for your reading tastes.
2. You have the right to read anywhere you want..in the bathtub, in the car, in the grocery store,under the porch, or while walking the dog.
3. You have the right to carry books in baggage at all times.
4. You have the right to read the good parts out loud to your nearest and dearest.
5. You have the right to read as many books as you want at the same time.
6. You have the right to ignore the critics at the New York Review of books.
7. More importantly, you have the right to ignore critics in your immediate family.
8. You have the right to refuse to read any book anyone else picks out for you.(even if it's
a birthday present.
9. You have the right to skip all the boring parts.
10. You have the right to read the last chapter first.
11. You have the right to read the last chapter first and then put the book back on the
12. You have the right to read any book where you don't like the picture of the author.
And I give that a big "thumbs up"!!!! Way to tell 'em!!!
I have actualy done #12 before. However I an thinking being a libraian is this still permitted?I think of the whole is this book any good question.So do you say the parts I read were???Makes me question your sugestions.LOLOLOLOLOL Just kidding you have not steared me wrong yet. And YES I've done the same thing.
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