Monday, April 23, 2007

About Sleep

Sleep like a baby...that's me! I have never had trouble sleeping. And, believe me, I HAVE to get my sleep! If I'm short of sleep everyone else can tell. Countless friends as well as my husband can also tell you that I have fallen asleep in a variety of uncomfortable places...swayback, hotel, rooms with big noisy groups,the a baby exhausted.
I often dream wildly and in color. Sometimes I can tell that what I have been watching or reading has affected my dreams. Like last night. I had a combo dream of getting lost on a river canoeing with friends, running into a train station that had a great mall with lots of kids and candy, and a guy with his head cut off. Phew! (that all from planning a canoe trip, being in a candy store, and reading a review about the movie 300). My subconcious was in overdrive.
I have had many dreams that have deeply spiritual meanings for me. I've never had a dream with a specific directive, like Joseph, but I have had several that prick at my concious. But sleep is a spiritual term, too for the idea of being spiritually deadened. Jesus warns us to "Be on guard, keep awake...Stay awake ... lest he come suddenly and find you asleep. What I say to you I say to all: Stay awake!" (mk.13:39)That spiritual sleeping mode is way too comfortable--like being asleep in some warm comfortable bed can be. Staying awake can sometimes prove to be difficult. But to be spiritually awake is a life/soul saving need. I must not let my spiritual senses become dull and drowsy. There is a great need to Be aware of the spirit and His moving.... STAY AWAKE!


Mr.Brian said...

I love my sleep to,but as I get older my sleeping pattern has changed.I awake several times during the night.

Beckyb said...

Oh sleep - how I LOVE my sleep!!! I'm hoping I don't begin to struggle with that as I get older - Mr. Brian - you are making me nervous!! But good words as usual - libgran!!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should remind me weekly to stay 'spiritually awake.' It's too easy to get complacent and lazy.

Now, actually being physically sleep deprived could possibly contribute to a person being less alert spiritually. That's a battle too - to get enough GOOD sleep to do other things well.
