Friday, April 27, 2007

Sunrise: on the road to somewhere.

5 a.m. There is Pitch black darkness. No shadows, or shapes exsist, only a dim line on the horizon-a vague distinction between earth and sky.
Imperceptibly, slowly, a change begins. First, there is the dark outline of cloud; then a lighter shade of dark in the holes of the sky until suddenly you can see a color, blue. a green. The dark sky gradually reflects a vague pink and grows brighter and stronger encompassing the whole end of the sky. Shapes form. Trees and hills, and a rabbit bounding through the grass. Soon the colors grow more intense. The sky bursts with orange and yellow and red. It pours out over the whole sky like a resounding trumpet announcing a king-the Sun! It spills over the horizon with earth's full color while all the while the birds are shouting to be heard above the noise of color. It's light. Day arrives.

The heart.
The darkness is complete. No light seeps in from anywhere. With that darkness comes loneliness, emptiness, pain. There is no form or shape anywhere. Hope is gone.
Gradually, imperceptibly a change begins. There is a softening around the edges. A prayer has been said. The gospel preached. In that gray shadowy light, shapes begin to take form. The dirt and grime and ugliness begin to show. But the color shows too, and flows and spills out all over the chambers of that place. Peace. Calm. Assurance. Forgiveness. The singing heart is loud to announce itself over the loudness of those bright, whole colors that are suddenly bursting out. The light that suddenly floods the whole heart has revealed the ugliness, but the sun that bursts in just as swiftly covers it with its own beauty. Healing, cleaning mending every lonely, lost spot.
Sunrise is complete.


Beckyb said...

Ok - you've almost convinced me that I need to get up and see the sunrise!!! I love the analogy there - hey, is that one you wrote in your "spare" time these past few days at the conference?!?!?!

Sue said...

indeed! Though I started in the dark on the way down.

Mr.Brian said...

Land sakes that was powerful.
And yes Becky I think you should set a goal to get up early once a week to see how pretty it truely is at that time.

Anonymous said...

I expect that was an excerpt from your soon-to-be-published book. I enjoyed the reading and it made me think.