Sunday, April 15, 2007

Is it spring?

It was an absolutely gloriously beautiful day today. And there's no doubt that everyone else thought so too because everyone, everywhere was outside. I took a long walk with a friend this afternoon and we saw golfers, bikers, walkers, runners, rollerbladers, dog walkers, baby pushers, fast walkers, slow walkers, cars with their tops down and the sun streaming in! This butterfly really surprised me, though. There he was sitting in the sun shine on our truck just waiting for his picture to be taken. Though it only got into the upper 60's it was a day worth having....especially since I got a nap to boot!


Mr.Brian said...

It was a great day!!!!I saw a butterfly yesterday too and it just made me say SPRING TIME IS HERE!!!!!!

Beckyb said...

Yep - I think Spring is here, but remember- WINTER will be back!!! :)