Tuesday, June 5, 2007


So I'm sporting a whole colorful leg full of black and blue bruises, scrapes and cuts. At least I can cover them up with a pair of jeans. I remember as I sailed over the top of the bike handlebars thinking, "well, I'm going to remember this one" (as opposted to being knocked unconcious after the last one) I planted my face in the mud, my arms stuck out instinctively, had a bit of give anyway, because of all the rain. It could have been worse. The whole neighborhood could have seen me, but everyone was inside because of the rain. I sat there and bawled a bit, because, after all, it really did hurt! I had trouble sleeping that night as my shoulder, legs and arms were pretty sore. I'm on the mend right now and back to pedalling full bore down the street. Guess i should dust off that helmet again. Oh, and if you want to see my face print...it's still there in the mud next to the neighbor's garage.


Beckyb said...

I'm telling you girl - we are taking that bike away SOON!!!! You bike maniac, you!!

Mr.Brian said...

I still remember seeing you get wheeled out of the hospital from the last time.
Do we need to get you training wheels?
Please be careful and glad to hear you are on the mend.

Anonymous said...

Where is your helmet, young lady????