Thursday, June 7, 2007

Big sister

My Big Sister Is So Bossy She Says You Can't Read This Book...I think I should be giving this as a gift to my younger siblings. (that's all of them since I am now and will probably be for awhile, the oldest) I have discovered within the last few years that they all think I'm bossy and a 'know it all'. Funny, I have never viewed myself like that, so this has been somewhat of a shock. I'm not quite sure I can even over-come this view since it has taken more than 50 years to establish. When really I only spent 19 years with them as boss, or shirker of duties, or mean big sister. I really am not the same person that I was that many years ago. But my reputation is still out there and it's not appreciated any more today than it was then I guess. Where do I go to get a new image? Help!


Lady L said...

I'm curious. Was the group picture a candid shot or did they pose for it?
Sorry, no advice as to getting a new image.

Mr.Brian said...

I think you are fine just the way you are.
I guess if you want to change check your local library on self help ideas.LOLOLOl
You stay the same nice neighbor you are.

zaharatales said...
