Thursday, July 5, 2007

Die Hard and Onstar

Well, this was some excitement-I locked my keys in the car. On the 4th of July no less. I was pondering my fate, and what I was going to do about it when my husband reminded me that we have 'Onstar' in our vehicle. How fun is that! It almost made it worth it to have done such a stupid thing in the first place. And sure enough they unlocked my doors in a swift jiffy. It was really easy and the only pain involved was my initial dismay at discovering the keys inside the locked car. Anyway on to...Die Hard. They have a scene in the new movie where Onstar starts a car after the young man says his father( really Bruce Willis) is having a heart attack, "please please please help him" cry cry sob. That looked pretty easy too, and was pretty funny in the movie. But After using the service, and having to give name, address, phone # pin and the last time I'd run the vehicle, I think the movie got it wrong. Not to mention the fact that the whole country had been shut down because the bad guy had turned off all our computers. How did this kid think Onstar was going to work, too? Oh well. That's the nature of the movies. Too bad we don't keep realize that the fiction of movies is just that... It seems every nation in the world knows what America and Americans are like because they've watched our movies.

1 comment:

Mr.Brian said...

Yes that is a very good thing to have in more ways then one.I had heard of a person who had an accident and they were talking to them in a few short minutes asking if they were hurt.Lucky no injuries.