Thursday, November 29, 2007

Survival tips

Ok I've noticed that the holiday busy i ness has started and I'm going to offer some suggestions to help you all stay stress free:

  • Have your husband do it (gift wrap, run errands, clean, whatever you can talk him into!)

  • De-emphasize the food and drink stuff - it helps if you eat a bit before you get to that party.

  • Don't forget to exercise. Can you believe we need 3 hours planned out for the week, at least.

  • Don't watch so much TV. Turning it off would be good. Remember the writers' strike has really limited our choices anyway.

  • Don't forget to donate to charity (extra food, toys etc.)

Hopefully by mid December I will still remember this stuff. Oh wait, I'm making a note and pinning it up where I can see it, that should help. I want to enjoy December.

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