This is a subject that's hard to avoid. You know, the one your mother told you was not polite dinner table conversation topics....religion and politics. Yet here we are being nuked by politics on an hourly basis these past few days as we gear up for these caucuses. I can't help myself, I have to go, just as a measure of self protection. I am so weary of the false advertising, half truths, incomplete information, sheer guesswork, idiot factors, automated phonecalls (I've had 10 minute loud conversations to the automated Sarah Huckabee, John McCain, and Mitt) and those push polls that if I never have another political inkling in my bones it will be too soon. On Sunday after church we had a trifold pamphlet stuck in our windshield from the citizens concerned about honesty (or something like that) but minus their names, telling us all about the evil Mike Huckabee. Rudy seems a bit absent up here in Orange City conservative land, and Mitt seems to be shooting from behind the trees so we can't quite see him. Then there's Fred who? Is he really running or was that a joke? No matter. I have made up my mind. Let's get this thing over with so New Hampshire can have at them. Even after we've cast our votes I don't think the camoflage will come off. We won't know what we really have until well after the election and we are embroiled in another war, or letting the illegals dance across the border at will. Nothing like democracy!
Here are the odds I've seen. Just like a Horse Race!
Mike Huckabee 3-2 Hillary Clinton 3/7
Mitt Romney 3-1 Barak Obama 7/2
Rudy Giuliani 10-1 John Edwards 25/2
Fred Thompson 10-1
John McCain 10-1
Ron Paul 25-1
Duncan Hunter 98-1
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