Monday, March 24, 2008

Weekend Celebrations

So Wow, and WOO HOO did we have a spectacular, busy, crowded, family filled Easter weekend! With 3 young boys, 3 dogs of varying sizes, adults in all forms including ones that were tired and not so healthy and weather that was not ideal for being outside we managed all kinds of activity. This included an easter egg hunt, making Resurrection cookies that managed to give Isaiah an allergic reaction, making paper boats to sail in the sink, watching 'Sesame Street' and other odd videos (Live Free/Die Hard; One Night with the King) books and just hanging out. I made lots of food, but Jon for one was suffering from Montezuma's revenge and he couldn't even enjoy himself. (He was blaming Honduran melons) Isaiah always wanted to eat and it was hard for me to say no, but I managed. I think I've forgotten all those parenting skills now that I've shifted into grandparent mode.
We also enjoyed an Easter Sunday Church service together. What could we do but Shout "Halleluia, He is risen indeed!" Though the whole group was very glad it was a late service and we didn't even attempt a sunrise service. As recently as 5 years ago we used to go to one every Easter. Too complicated now.
And for the rest of the week I'll bring exciting news from Sunny, warm Minneapolis! More later.

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