Saturday, April 26, 2008

New Project

We're the house in the neighborhood making the mess now. We've (i use that term lightly as I'm really not helping a lot. Just enough) started re shingling the roof of the house. First things first. The old has to come off. We have shake shingles so they are making a mighty mess. And there's nails in them to boot. Ron lost his memory card for his cell phone in them (how did that happen?) We have gutters, and metal pieces and wood over newly growing plants, and branches down and fully 3/4 of one side off. And today was cold too. At least it wasn't raining. He'd planned to start last night but it was snowing so he waited til this morning. And I know he won't work on it tomorrow. Thank goodness for Sunday and OC! We won't be putting shakes back up. Regular asphalt shingle will be expensive enough. Even the mailman got in on it this morning. He wanted to make sure we were putting on a 30 year shingle. Sheesh. Do I know this stuff? No. I know only enough to make me know I really don't like these kinds of jobs. With all we have going on we are going to be making a mess ALL summer.

1 comment:

Mr.Brian said...

Do not expect me to help,I do not do height.
Did you see the man down the street from me was shingeling today (Sunday) and he was a pastor at the CRC church for a short time.LOLOL