Thursday, May 8, 2008

Sunny and Warm

Yes Folks, It's as lovely here as I was hoping! And we've checked a couple of things off my list...Sweet Tomatoes and some shopping. I took a long walk early this morning. I have started taking pictures.
There's the Jack a randa (Jacaranda) tree in full bloom.
Sauargo Cactus is blooming as are the Ocotillo!
Flowers flowers everywhere
What more can one say about napping, resting, and not doing much. You get the picture.
My biggest "Woo Hoo" so far: we arrived on time. The Southwest folks at the Omaha airport had no such luck. Their flight was pushed back more than 2 hours.
My biggest "Oh No!" : something major happened to my ipod. That is a bother.


Lady L said...

What happened to your I-Pod? I'm glad you arrived safely and on-time. I'm doing poorly at exercise - I know you are doing great! Say "Hi" to your mom for us.

Mr.Brian said...

Glad you arrived safe.Send warm weather our way please.
Go check out my post,I have very sad news there.