Thursday, June 19, 2008

Ah Summer

The Farmers Market has started up again. It's been going a few weeks, and though there aren't all that many vendors up there you can still get some delicious stuff. Just take a peek at what I've been buying 2 days a week for a couple of weeks! And this cool "going green" to the Market bag was a gift from my sewing, creative friend Amy. She gave it to me just so I could bring strawberries home from the market! I think this short 'strawberry' period is one of the best of the summer! I hunted around for a recipe on how to freeze strawberries and found a pretty good one on the internet (of course) You just wash the berries, take off the tops, and spread them on a sheet, pat them dry then quick freeze them. After a couple of hours you can takethem off the sheets and put them in bags for the freezer to be used on a cold winter day when you're just longing for that sweet taste of home grown strawberries. MmmM!

1 comment:

david santos said...

Excellent post!
But nice, nice and very nice, Baby`s!
Happy forever