Monday, July 7, 2008


Some extra pictures available here after the fire. L & Ks did a fire sale this morning from 5 am- 10 am. Then their insurance adjusters come in. We won't know if they'll be rebuilding, retstarting, restoring or coming back in general until insurance stuff is figured out. Statistics that I heard claimed that only 50% of businesses are able to come back after major damage like this. With 3 places gone now, you would hope that at least one of them will be able to rebuild. What a hole that would leave if the block remains empty. For now things seem quiet. Next week they are bringing in a crane to take everything out of this building for examination as to what caused the fire. That should prove interesting, at least from this spectator's point of view. I'll have to remember my camera on those days.

1 comment:

Mr.Brian said...

Between you and me I thing we could work for the police department as private inspectors.
It would be fun to see the crane at work.