I have been in the process of a job change for more than a month now. I had decided that I would take up Bonnie's (NWILS office in Sioux City) kind offer and work in Sioux City on a more regular basis. That was actually a scary thought for me. After all, my job in Orange City has been quite comfortable. I could ride my bike to work, no less! I know many times have I thought how fortunate I am not to have to commute to work anymore. High gas prices? Not a problem when you have a bike. On the other hand, my job in Orange City at times has been less than a challenge, so I knew that working with Bonnie as a 'project coordinator' would put me over the top on the challenge end of things. I would still have that safe, and comfortable Orange City job with the short commute and something new to boot. But before we got too far in the process, Bonnie told me I should be applying for the director's job in LeMars. Now the actual applying wasn't all that difficult to do, but I didn't really think I would have to worry about getting the job. At the very verge of accepting Bonnie's offer to work in Sioux City, and after changing my hours in Orange City I got a call to interview for the director's job in LeMars. Now that was a surprise! Evidently, though, I am the only one amazed by that fact. I got a very nice call from the LeMars assistant city administrator today offering me the job of Director of the LeMars Public Library. He gave me all sorts of wonderful compliments, and assured me of the board's complete and enthusiastic support. I accepted the job on the spot. So. Big changes coming for me. I know I am a risk taker. I'm thinking this will be a good fit. I will, of course, miss the convenience of riding my bike to work, though I am calculating how far a bike ride to LeMars might actually be and what time I would have to leave home here in order to get to work on time. Ha! I will bring you all up to speed on LeMars Library pictures when I get more
Congrats! Can't wait to see you guys on Saturday and get more details....
Congrats and good luck!!!!
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