Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Meeting Abe Lincoln

So Bonnie, from the Sioux City office, had a little surprise for all those who attended the library meeting in Storm Lake on Tuesday. She was doing a presentation on adult programming and talking about how this was Lincoln's bicentennial year when who should show up but Abraham Lincoln himself! Really! Well, can't you tell from my picture that it was old Abe himself? Actually this guy is from Orange City and is in a Lincoln reenacter's organization and he has won dozens of 'Lincoln look alike' contests. But of course, the best part wasn't just looking at him. It was hearing him. He gave about a 40 minute presentation on 'his' life including doing parts of 2 inaugration speeches and the Gettysburg address. I tell you it was amazing...and really cool. It most definitely felt like history alive right in front of our eyes.

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