Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Meetings,ICN,and other Library Fun

Here's one for you: Erate.

Do you remember that I did this for libraries for a whole year?

SLD,BEAR,form 470,472,480..eeek

What brought this on you might ask? I'm actually sitting in an e rate meeting re learning the ins and outs of having someone else file it for me. Believe me, you don't really want to know any more about this than absolutely necessary. It's a GOVERNMENT program. That's enough said, don't you think? They can make anything complicated and difficult! To boot, I have to actually go to a meeting about it. Wow!


theKband said...

Wait, so does this mean you were goofing off during class?? I'm sooo telling Nate....

Amy A. said...

I know!! I just went to a three hour training on how to fill out a form. And I'm still clueless!