Friday, December 5, 2008

Library moments

So what could be more fun than this: I left the library for about 10 minutes this morning and when I got back there are the police arresting some guy right there in the foyer. Handcuffs and all. He'd come in the library just as I was leaving. Sheesh. I think I missed something there. And the gals at the desk told me that just as I was leaving last night the police were there to "visit" with some juveniles that had raced in earlier to use a computer..
We had another one in later on that was overly adamant about his love for Jeanne Dixon. Ok, she's been dead for awhile and her "prophecy" was never too hot in the first place, but I bet she never predicted the real weirdos that would be hanging on to her every word.
Don't I love this job?!

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